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Thank You - Fall Variety Show 2016

Thank you to everyone who made last Thursday's Banquet & Variety Show a wonderful success!
Thank you to all who helped the students work on their acts!
Thank you to staff for doing an amazing job supervising students!
Thank you to all who helped set up and clean up!
Thank you to all who came to support the students in sharing themselves!
YAY! What a great team effort!

Thanks & Peace-

Pictured below: Maplewood classroom teachers Ms. Braun & Mrs. McGraw as well as Oliver classroom teacher, Ms. Wynalda, who attended the show to support students (pictured with Kelli Williams, Director of Spiritual Life (right)).

Chewie wishes everyone "good luck"!

Chris Hawk, Music & Special Ministries Coordinator accompanies students on the keyboard.

Each student received a carnation after their performance.

Many staff attended the event and enjoyed cheering for students! Alvin Bowser, PTC, pictured below.

AK Child & Family has two Student Variety Shows per year: one in the Fall and one in the Spring.


(907) 346-2101 Jesse Lee & Maplewood Campuses

(907) 562-5340 Maley Center

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